Make your own silver stacking rings at Hove Jewellery Works or any of our affiliated pop-ups. Join us for a fun workshop and learn how to make and texture 3 rings in 3 hours. This class is ideal for beginners and those who would like to refresh their jewellery knowledge. Each student will be guided through the process of making 3 textured stacking rings using hand tools and jewellery making equipment. Under the guidance of your tutor, you will learn the following skills
annealing (heating)
forming (hammering and shaping)
papering (finishing process)
The class will be a duration of up to 3 hours. Your experienced tutor will provide you with everything you need on the path to producing your desired pieces. Prior to the class we will send you a welcome letter and induction form via email. This will contain all the information you will need for the day.
We look forward to meeting you.
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75 British pounds